The overarching goal of Stopping As Success: Locally Led Transitions in Development (SAS+) is to enable development partnerships to be more locally led, for transitions to be more effective and sustainable for the local actors involved, and for systems of development actors (local organizations, international partners, and USAID) and networks to be more responsive to the communities in which they work.

SAS+ builds on learning outcomes collaboratively developed through the original Stopping As Success (SAS) program’s (2017-2020) evidence base of 20 original case studies, and corresponding tools and resources to foster responsible transitions and partnerships that promote local ownership and leadership. Currently, SAS+ applies these tools and learning through an accompaniment approach to assist existing partnerships in transition and to generate new learning to enable future responsible transitions to local leadership.

From 2021-2024, SAS+ applied these tools and learning through an accompaniment approach to assist 12 existing partnerships in transition in 20+ contexts. This accompaniment enabled SAS+ to generate new learning to enable future responsible transitions to local leadership, which will be reflected in updated resources and opportunities for collaboration.

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Who We Are


Consortium Partners

The three consortium organizations leading SAS were brought together by a common belief in local leadership. Driven by our global experience learning from and with organizations in diverse global contexts, and drawing on complementary expertise, SAS is an opportunity to contribute to shifting the power. Want to learn more? Contact us here.

CDA Collaborative Learning is an action research and advisory organization that bridges the gap between theory and practice to improve the effectiveness of peacebuilding, development and humanitarian organizations, and responsible businesses working in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.

Peace Direct is an international charity dedicated to stopping wars, one person at a time. They believe that local people have the power to find their own solutions to conflict. In conflict zones around the world, Peace Direct supports local communities to stop violence and build sustainable peace.

Conflict and differences are inevitable. Violence is not. Search for Common Ground partners with people around the world to ignite shared, constructive solutions to destructive conflicts. They work at all levels of society to build sustainable peace through dialogue, media and community.


Advisory Group

The SAS+ Advisory Group provides advice on and support for influencing efforts for SAS+. They lend their specific areas of expertise on transitions, locally led development, shifting power in development, and experience with donors, INGOs, and local CSOs/NGOs or networks to strengthen the SAS+ program and to ensure it incorporates a myriad of experiences and perspectives.