CEPAD and Interpeace
In countries emerging from long-standing and intensive conflict, partnerships with international organizations that can provide access to resources and case studies of what has worked in other conflict resolution and peacebuilding contexts can prove invaluable. Timor-Leste, as a country that not only emerged from long-standing occupation and war but fought for its independence, is an interesting case study through which to examine how such partnerships can best be constructed.
This case study provides an overview of the partnership between Interpeace, an INGO, and the Centre of Studies for Peace and Development (CEPAD), a local organization established in Timor-Leste. Interpeace provided ongoing financial, technical, and capacity-building support to CEPAD from its creation in 2007 through to its transition from program-driven entity to fully-fledged NGO. In 2015, Interpeace made the decision to phase out its financial support to CEPAD, but remains engaged in an advisory capacity as and when it is called upon. This transition provides a useful example of how an INGO can support the creation and growth of a locally led organization.
The partnership between Interpeace and CEPAD is a case of progressive financial disengagement, with the former having contributed for many years to the organizational development of the latter. The financial transition began around 2014 and was fully completed by September 2016. Interpeace provides ongoing support in other areas.
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