Nuru Kenya and Nuru International


Location: Kenya
Organizations Involved:
Nuru Kenya Nuru International
Author: David Yamron, Search for Common Ground

This report examines the organizational transition planned and implemented by the staff of the INGO Nuru International in Migori County (Kuria West), Kenya, focusing particularly on the transition of the organization’s international staff from Nuru Kenya in June 2015. This transition, referred to by Nuru staff as the full turnover to the local team provides a potent example of what is possible when an organization places locally owned and locally led development at the forefront of its organizational strategy and its measurements of success.

Over a period of almost a decade, Nuru Kenya collaborated closely with local communities to design, implement, adapt, and ultimately transition ownership of its programming. Nuru International built sustainability into the foundations of its approach, planning the exit of international staff from the outset and developing local capacity to take over management.


This case study is an example of a phased transfer of ownership and responsibility from INGO Nuru International to Nuru Kenya, including the exit of all international staff. Post-transition, Nuru Kenya is managed entirely by Kenyan staff, although it continues to receive financial support from Nuru International.

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